In September, I applied for a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Scholarship and to my surprise, I got it. I leave on Friday and when I return August 9th, my resume will list "Columbia University" instead of "WWU" as my alma mater and I will be buying new silver to match my new Iv

Here is a link to the program if you want to

If you don't want to read about it in detail, here's a synopsis: it is called "China Institute's Living and Being ‘Chinese’: Geographic and Ethnic Diversity in China NEH Summer Institute." The four week itinerary I'm holding includes visi

Of course, what excites me most is that

While my Texan sub-letter lives in my condo on Phinney for the second summer in a row, I will be living in a dorm on the Columbia campus- the International House (or the I-House as my fellow graduates - Alexander Hamilton, FDR, Madeleine Albright, Barack, Meadow Soprano and Peter Parker -like to call it) -with 23 other attendees of the institute (teachers from all around the US), as well as students of Columbia from all over the world. I have heard that the I-House is the most international dorm in the US. NEH has awarded us all a $3,ooo scholarship to cover travel costs, room and board (and I paid extra to get an air conditioner installed in my room).
Obviously,my "board" will run high... I hope you are ready for many food photos. My brother thinks I should change the name of my blog to reflect this trip, but I think "noodle by noodle" still captures my main goals. And with all of these dynasties- yes, I will still be in a state of Confucian. I suppose some things will be different, like there won't be any Stir-Fry Streets or Noodle Performance Artists, and I won't have to play Frogger across eight lanes or lead games of Simon Says in rooms with broken air conditioners. So I will just change "China" to "New York City."
OK, lay all of those NY tips on me now, please!

Yeah! Another Marjie blog (or glob, depending on the day, I suppose)! First, I think the title does say it all; but perhaps along with the "Dynasty" theme, couldn't you change your name to Krystal Carrington or Alexis... also, I am sure that you will find MANY artists performing curious acts on the streets, although they won't be as entertaining (and delicious) as the noodle guys. Last, I can't WAIT to taste the delish dumplings after learning to make them in such prestigious surroundings... Peter Parker should be thrilled to include YOU in his alumni list!
Have a great time... and to get a cab, push an old lady out of the way! Works every time!
I am so excited to read your stories and help work on your Glob!
Please learn how to make bao and then bring that technology home with you.
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