This is my #1 fan, Karyn, and her wild, beautiful hair drinking a Corona on my roof. You know her because she wrote the witty comments responding to
every NY blog entry (she represents "The Norris Clan") and because she won the prize for my New York City quiz from a few weeks ago. My mom told me one day that she enjoyed Karyn's comments almost as much as my blog entries (yes that kind of hurt but actually I felt the same).

Maybe the rest of you didn't play the game because you thought I wasn't serious about the prize, but here is the proof. And I think Karyn is enjoying her mole (again, a mixture of chiles, almonds, raisins, chocolate, pronounced "mo-lay"), which is covering a pasilla green chile stuffed with black beans, rice and cheddar cheese. I'm including a picture of the food-- even though it really doesn't photograph very well. She also tried beets for the first time, but I will let her comment on those when she returns from Chicago. (I can tell you, though, that she chose a chocolate croissant over a picked beet for dessert).

This is only the second time I have met Karyn. She is my brother and sister-in-law's friend and somehow she became my #1 fan. Which is funny, because she is another one who should be on Broadway (she sings, dances and acts), and her husband is down in LA as we speak, hoping for a record deal (is it still called a "record" deal?) which will enable him and his band to carry on and transcend the spirit of the 90's Seattle music scene. So, actually, I should be their #1 fan.
Brian, maybe you should have tried harder on the quiz...? You've been wanting mole for a long time. But, anyway, thanks for providing me with my #1 fan - I really like having one and would like some more.
My pleasure, Sis!
It is true that I love Mole, and I've never had a chance to try yours. But I feel that justice has been served for Karyn to try it first. She has, indeed, been extremely faithful in her commenting. And she is a phenomenally talented woman; worthy of a "Marjie Meal" to be sure.
But don't misunderstand - I still want the mole.
Karyn - I like the trademark pose with your dish!
Wow... I don't even know what to say. Marjie - you are amazing! I love having dinner with you. Thank you for the delish food (just talked about your beet salad today!), the great conversation, and the lovely walk. It was just the way to start my trip. I am obviously back and not in pieces somewhere over mid-america, so that is good. Now it is MY turn to have you up! Let me know when...
Oh, and "wild hair" doesn't even come close... :-) And for the record, I am SOOOO glad no one else tried harder on the quiz - your all's loss, My gain (a few pounds, that is)!
Brian - I KNEW you would catch the pose! Didn't I tell you, Marjie...
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