Christmas exploded in Saigon after Thanksgiving-- it exploded just like this store right down the street from the castle (which otherwise sells random lights and disco balls and batteries):
A-Net just wrote asking if I had seen any Santas riding on the back of motorbikes and believe it or not, I did see one just this evening.
And everywhere, absolutely everywhere, you see baby Santa Suit Stands selling outfits such as this one, modeled by this
Two weeks ago in Nha Trang, we saw fake evergreen trees with lights interspersed with the palm trees lining the beach.
We at the castle are getting ready for our weekend parties. Today, right out on our street, I found a (fake) Christmas tree, with ornaments, for 80,000 ($4.80). George Michael's "Last Christmas" was playing in the store. I got some strange looks carrying it home. We have tinsel, stockings, lights and music, too.
Despite all of this, I am surprised every time someone writes to me telling me "Christmas Plans." It has been much cooler lately, high 70's, low 80's, and the motorbike babies have been dressed in their wool caps and everyone is wearing heavy coats. Nam shivers on the way to school. It's a perfect temperature.
But Christmas? It all feels so strange!
Not strange at all here in Norway with snow and 10 minus! (Degrees, that is!) Must be fun to experience Christmas abroad, though. Spoke to Peter on the phone today. They will spend Christmas on the beach. All of us celebrating in different ways and places. :-)
It is 13 degrees here right now and a complete blizzard outside. Wanna trade?
Mungo finally back. Ready to catch up.
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