Yesterday, an 86 year-old World War II veteran told my students stories about watching his buddies get eaten by sharks. "We could hear the screams when they were taken down. A few were still floating in their life vests," he said, "but when you grabbed them, only the top half of their bodies bobbed out of the water."
Eugene Morgan's ship, the USS Indianapolis, was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine in July of 1945, not long after making their top-secret delivery of the A-Bomb to the
Around 70 of these survivors are still around, and "Blackie" is one of the tough ones left; he lives in
"Not many young people know about this," he told me on the phone. "I want them to know the truth, that the Navy has covered this up for years. I want them to know that my captain's record should be completely cleared."
There was a lot to be shocked about in the book. My students projected disbelief when they read about the only US Navy court-martial of Captain Charles McVay for “failure to zigzag” and his subsequent suicide in 1968. It didn’t make sense to them that he could be exonerated in 2001, yet have the mark remain on his record.
"What made you keep going?" one student asked.
Blackie, who wore a navy-colored survivor shirt, hat and coat (the back of the shirt read “Still at Sea,”) answered, "Well, I guess I had seen more action than many of the others (four years of duty on the Indy), so I might have been a bit tougher than the new recruits we had just picked up. I just decided that I was going to make it. Plus, I hear that sharks don't like Polish Sausage, and I'm Polish."
A survivor of torpedoes, salt water, dehydration, sharks, twenty-seven years of Seattle fires, two snow day reschedules and, because of lines like that, now a survivor and hero of high school students.
That is quite a resume.
He got deep and political with us, too. He talked about revering President Truman for making the tough decision to drop the A-Bomb. He said that by doing so, he saved so many lives, and that many of us sitting in that room were probably here as a result of that decision. He said we need to get out of ater now, not even for a ferry ride to
Fortunately, a reporter and a photographer from The Everett Herald captured all of this, and a story will appear in the local section either Friday or Saturday. In response to the negative press that alternative high schools have received lately (the Times' articles about the lack of education taking place at John Marshall Alternative), I sent emails to the education editors at the Times and The Herald giving them a heads up about Mr. Morgan's impending visit and the positive things going on at Scriber. I told them how my students had been indignant about the bad press. "Hey, we've read four books this semester! We should go to John Marshall where they don't have to do anything." Of course, they would rescind these statements quickly (and proudly).
Yesterday, my students certainly knew the importance of being able to meet "living history.”
Today, their thank you notes contained lines such as "I am doing my part to tell everyone to read this book, so that your friends will not have died in vain," "you have inspired me to be a better person,” “thank you for making it possible for us to live in freedom.”
Because, you know, they get that.
(link to Herald story: http://www.heraldnet.com/stories/07/01/27/100loc_b1survivor001.cfm)
I love your stories, and I love the way you bring history and books alive for your kids!
Brilliant. Thank you for bringing such rich and poignant history to your kids. I would have loved to me meet Eugene.
Marjie - I just don't know what to say. I can't imagine a better way to make history something that your kids can relate to. I thought your last thought was especially poignant. You are ~so~ cool!
Thanks for your story, Marjie. I truly appreciate the way you motivate and relate to your students. Your approach is much more effective than the calculus professor I had who would turn away from the class and bang his forehead on the chalkboard in disgust when asked a question. Keep up the good work!
So, Blackie finally got to share his life with your students... very cool. Any fire tales intertwined with his WW2 stories?
Blackie visited the firehouse often and we would tell stories for what seemed like hours. I will miss him. God speed, brother.
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